Who says you need to wait all the way until Spring to deep clean your home? If you start now, you can be outside as soon as the weather warms up rather than be stuck inside worrying about the Spring Cleaning process.

Start by getting rid of the junk. Find everything on the list below and either throw it away, recycle, or donate it:
- Old towels
- Old makeup… you don’t want to mess with those germs!
- Dried up nail polish
- Old toiletries
- Old medications (prescription drugs can be dropped off at these locations)
- Empty cleaning products
- Socks with holes
- Clothing you no longer wear
- Shoes you no longer wear
- Old bras and underwear
- Accessories you haven’t used since last Winter
- Old prom dresses. It’s almost prom season, so you can re-sell or donate these.
- Old pillows
- Old bedding
- Expired food
- Old baking ingredients and spices
- Utensils you have more than one of
- Broken utensils and appliances
- Tupperware containers without matching lids and vice versa
- Old shopping bags. You can find adorable, reusable ones here.
- Magnets
- CDs
- DVDs
- Outdated and broken electronics
- Cables and wires you no longer use
- Old cell phones and cases
- Broken jewelry and earrings missing their match
- Scrap paper, expired coupons, and old bills
- Receipts and trash in your purse and drawers
- Magazines
- Old toys (for pets and kids!)
- Pens that don’t work
- Gifts you don’t like
- Old mail
- Old school supplies
- Broken Christmas decorations and lights that don’t work
- Games that are missing pieces
Once you declutter, it’s time for US to get down to business. Here are some of the cleaning supplies that we use to start the process of getting your house super clean!
When starting each space, we begin with the top of each room and work our way down:
- Light Fixtures
- Dust up cobwebs
- Change light bulbs
- Tops of Cabinets
- Windows
- Take down curtains and wash in the laundry
- Dust blinds
- Wipe down windows
- Surfaces
- Wipe down all cabinet doors, knobs, walls, shelves, light switches, countertops, backsplashes, faucets, and so on.
- Sinks and appliances
- Flooring
- Sweep or vacuum the floor
- Clean with floor cleaner
- Vacuum or wash area rugs
Book your appointment today, and you can enjoy smelling the roses this Spring instead of cleaning products.